Shock Trauma NTCCThe Neurotrauma Critical Care Unit provides multidisciplinary care to critically ill patients who have sustained primarily central nervous system injury and may have other associated injuries. The Unit has the capacity for 12 patients; each serviced in separate glass enclosed cubicles.

Monitoring equipment that is readily available for patients on the Unit includes:

  • ECG monitoring
  • Hemodynamic monitoring (i.e. pulmonary artery catheter pressures, central venous pressure, arterial blood pressure and continuous cardiac output)
  • Intracranial pressure monitoring
  • SjvO2 monitoring
  • SpO2 monitoring
  • Respiratory volume and pressure monitoring via mechanical ventilators and a glucometer

The Shock Trauma Center STAT lab is readily accessible for rapid analysis of blood tests. Doppler flow studies, bronchoscopy, gastrointestinal scopes and EEG can be performed at the patient's bedside upon request. Continuous renal replacement therapy can be initiated and managed on the Unit.