Instruction in Patient Safety and Advocacy may include, but is not limited to, lectures, seminars, clinical teaching, individual or group projects, performing root cause analysis or near misses about sentinel events, and systems based approach to M & M.

Listed below are a number of other resources that may also be useful to you in the development and implementation of program's approach to competency and outcomes assessment and improvement. The information contained in these approaches reflects those undertaken by your UMMC's colleagues, as well as others in your profession to develop and implement the Systems Based Practice competency within their program or institution.

  • The University of Michigan provides a safety curriculum and toolkit for implementing patient safety. View the University of Michigan website.
  • The VA has a website that can serve as an excellent resource on patient safety, that also includes information about conducting workshops in patient safety as well as implementing a curriculum in patient safety. View the VA's website.
  • The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) has a web based M & M that includes the presentation of monthly cases and commentary about medical errors.  This is an excellent resource for obtaining cases for discussion as well as stimulating thought about QI/QA activities for your program. Access the AHRQ website.
  • The Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) has a website that is an excellent resource for information about nationwide patient safety issues. Access the IHI website.